„ A drágakövek neveit      címként viselõ, absztrakt programdarabok harmóniailag különösen érzékeny szerzõt mutatnak, akinek szimmetrikus szerkezetû hangzatai kôkemény disszonanciáikkal együtt méltán tarthatnak igényt a hallgatóság elismerésére.”

/ Németh G. István kritikus a Kőfantáziák c. művéről /


„A Tündérmenet varázsos hangulatú mesevilágát  Dragony Tímea nagy szakmai biztonsággal építi föl. Gyönyörű, gomolygó harmóniák teljesednek ki az énekkarból kiváló két szólista szépen vezetett dallamáig, majd süllyednek vissza a kórus képviselte éjbe.”                                                              /Eisenbacher Zoltán a Tündérmenet c. vegyeskari művéről/

Zsolt Bartek - clarinetist


Zsolt Bartek was born in 1982 in Pécs, Hungary.

He started his musical studies in Budapest, where playing the recorder and the clarinet. After finishing music school he continued his clarinet studies in the Bartók Béla Conservatorium (1996-2001), and later on in the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, where he received his diploma ’summa cum laude’ as a professional clarinetist and teacher (2007). During these years his professors were Gyulai Endre, Miháltz Gábor, Dittrich Tibor.

He attended several masterclasses as an active participant with such masters as Kurtág György, Henk Guittart, Rados Ferenc, Hadady László , Balogh József, Szeverényi Ilona, Déri György, Gyöngyössy Zoltán, Hargitai Imre, Hegedûs Endre, Rozmán Lajos, Szabó Antal és Vajda József.

Since 2007 he has been performing very actively either as a soloist, chamber music player or orchestra member in Hungary, England, Brazil, Lithuania, Germany, Russia, Armenia, Switzerland, Serbia. He performed at many important venues and festivals like the Hungarian Radio, Palace of Art (Budapest), Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, a Bartók Festival Szombathely, Making New Waves Festival Budapest. 

He is one of the founding members of the Balassa Clarinet Quintett, Voce d’Amore Clarinet Orchestra, Teatro di Musica Orchestra and Ventoscala Orchestra. In 2009 he performed together with Ágens in Hungary. In 2009 he joined the Barefoot Musicians artists’ group, where he regularly plays together with Éva Bodrogi, soprano singer and Katalin Koltai, guitarist.

As an orchestra player he performed with such conductors as Christoph Eschenbach, Fischer Sivan, Gál Tamás, Christopher Hogwood, Kocsis Zoltán, Helmuth Rilling.

He performed on several recordings of Hungarian composers and also played film music like in Steven Spielberg: Munich and Pálfi György: Taxidermia.

Zsolt Bartek is a recognized player at the Hungarian contemporary music life. His unique musical personality and wide instrumental knowledge (playing clarinets, recorders, saxophone and several other related instrument) brings him that many composers invite him to play premiers on their work. Besides receiving many dedications he played first performances of compositions of many Hungarian composers.

Zsolt Bartek is also interested to play in interdisciplinary performances, therefor he played in several modern theatre shows in Hungary like Bástyasétány 77 (Radnóti Miklós Theatre) and Nádas Péter: Találkozás (Bárka Theatre )